Recent content by lucy2017

  1. lucy2017

    I Don't Know How To Say No

    That's a tricky one because you don't want to hurt her feelings or ruin a relationship. However, if she's holding you back from doing what you want to do you need to say something. You pay the money to go travelling - make sure you live it up! If I was you I would just tell her you want to...
  2. lucy2017

    Elephant Tours

    I'd love to go on an elephant tour - they are amazing animals! I heard there are places where the elephant paints you a picture. I think that would be a really cool thing to have.
  3. lucy2017

    Comment by 'lucy2017' in media 'Bear At Ranthambore'

    I just saw a bear like this on the TV! They are so cute. It was really sad, their parents had been shot and the bears were being sold as pets. However a zoo had got them and were training them to live in the wild.
  4. lucy2017


    I love fishing!! I'm from the UK have been fishing quite a few times in the South of England. I can imagine fishing in India is way better! What type of fish is there available to catch?
  5. lucy2017

    I Can't Wait To Try Beach Yoga

    I have never been to yoga either, would love to try it! And yoga on the beach sounds like a really idea. Probably super relaxing. Think I would be a bit scared of swallowing sand and getting it everywhere, but it would be a great thing to try!
  6. lucy2017

    Cadbury's Chocolate?

    So glad you posted that question because it's definitely an addiction I have too! If it wasn't sold I'd have to fill half my suitcase with it;)