Recent content by PerhapsIndia

  1. PerhapsIndia

    Leaving Your Bags During The Day?

    I can see why you'd want to keep your stuff with you for sure. From what I've read, I don't want to trust locals pretty much anywhere in the world, but in my heart I know there's a lotta good people out there. Last night, for example, I left my bags near a church with my laptop in them, and...
  2. PerhapsIndia

    How Does An American Girl Find A Date In India

    Glad I don't have this problem...I just to girls. Pretty easy to see where it's going from there and be like "hey let's go do blahblahblah blah right now," maybe try that? idk, works for me.
  3. PerhapsIndia

    Is It Legal To Bring Tasers/self Defense Items To Your Destination?

    I'd prefer mace too, generally speaking. Where I'm going, self-defense items are ok, but generally unnecessary as I'm starting in Thailand before India, and the place I'm going is generally a tame city :)
  4. PerhapsIndia

    Health Issues?

    Thanks for the tips here, are there any weird or peculiar sicknesses or flu type problems that are worth looking out for? We have an obscure sickness here that only stays in the valley generally, wondering if India has some of the same
  5. PerhapsIndia

    Precautions when Traveling in India for First Timers

    I think if I go, I'll be bringing a lifesaver bottle or straw to not have to worry. Beyond that, let the monkies come for me. Let them. I have been dreaming of fighting off 40 monkies my whole life, that's basically being a god against an uprising. I'll come with armor. I'll punch their stupid...
  6. PerhapsIndia

    Top Five Favorite Non-Spicy Indian Foods!

    Does anyone have any recommendations for odd fruits that are specific or mostly specific to India? Totally want to try some of the exotic fruit there, but I have no idea where to start.
  7. PerhapsIndia

    Removing initial and adding surname on passport

    So if you change your name for any reason in general, you can always just go through the re-issue process, right? I am a male but going to be changing my last name in the future, just for reference.
  8. PerhapsIndia

    Lactose Free Milk in India

    I am also interested in this question - are nut based milks or even coconuts regularly available for milk in India? I am a vegan and know that India lends itself to the veggie culture quite well, I'd have to imagine there are alternatives...
  9. PerhapsIndia

    How's the English speaking population in Nepal?

    I've been interested in Nepal for a while, but I've been getting mixed results with this answer. How much Nepali is needed to get by if I were to stay for say 30~60 days? I am ideally looking to travel to Nepal briefly just to see the country and explore some of its exotic fruits and have a...