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Au Pair

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Leaving the Heartland, May 2, 2016.

  1. What Au Pair services should one go through if looking to Au Pair in India? Are there extra documents that are needed for working in India versus other countries? Anyone ever go this route to experience India? What cultural expectations should I be prepared for? I have a lot of questions and hoping to get perspective.
  2. jnorth88

    jnorth88 Active Member

    I am not sure of what credentials, if any, are required. But there are a number of sites on line to seek au pair jobs in India. You just have to do a quick search and choose one you like. They may have different requirements, so that could help you figure out what is needed. Would you plan to au pair for an English speaking family, or a local one? I believe the British ex=pats suggest a qualified English au pair, so that might help you narrow your searches.
  3. iamawriter

    iamawriter Member

    As long as the au pair can take good care of children that would be a qualification. Language perhaps could be an issue unless you want to work for someone who understands English. Experience of having worked with children and certificates from previous employers would be an added qualification.
    There are many sites that have a list of those wanting to employ au pairs. The site greataupair comes to mind.