I am from Malegaon and will be going to Manmad. From there I would like to go to Shirdi and need some help in knowing how to reach Shirdi from Manmad? As I would be new to the area, I would prefer going by public transport.
The distance from Manmad to Shirdi is around 58km. You can either get a train or get a bus or taxi from Manmad to Shirdi. Train from Manmad to Shirdi The time to travel by train from Manmad to Shirdi is 1 hour and 45 minutes. The average cost of a train from Manmad to Shirdi is Rs100. Taxi from Manmad to Shirdi The travel from Manmad to Shirdi by taxi would take you around 1 hour and 20 minutes. The cost for a taxi for this journey would be around Rs400 - Rs500. A shared taxi would cost you Rs80 per person. Bus from Manmad to Shirdi The time to travel from Manmad to Shirdi by bus would take you about 1 hour 30 minutes to 1 hour 50 minutes. The bus fare ranges from Rs100 - Rs600 depending on what bus you get.