Taj Mahal in full moon night

Discussion in 'Travel advice' started by DinoDen, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. DinoDen

    DinoDen New Member


    I got to know that Taj Mahal remains open for visitors on full moon nights and it’s an amazing and never miss thing to do. Do you have experience of that and have you done that? Is it worth making a trip to see Taj Mahal on full moon night or not?


  2. Gori Bride

    Gori Bride Member

    Yes it is well worth it but you only get to stay in there for 30 mins and have to prebook your tickets from UP tourism. It is too much work.

  3. Aadi

    Aadi Member

    Yes, if you are getting a chance then don't miss it. The only problem is that you have to waste one complete day wandering in and around Agra because you cannot book the ticket on the same day, you must reserve your place in one day advance.
    Alexandoy likes this.
  4. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Another problem is that there are limited number of tickets, about 400 if I remember correctly so being there one day in advance does not guarantee you a ticket. I guess it would be easier to book it online if they are available well in advance.
  5. KK

    KK Member

    When you mean late night what kind of time are you talking about?
  6. travelguide

    travelguide Active Member

    I think night view is open from 2030 to 0030 hrs. maximum number of people allowed is 400, that is 8 batches of 50 people each. I don't think they are open on Fridays. I haven't seen Taj Mahal at night till now. I visited once only in day time. As already said earlier it is a full day job to see the night view.
  7. Alexandoy

    Alexandoy Member

    Oh, do you mean to say Taj Mahal is very difficult to visit? I mean so many hassles for reservation and booking? Maybe it is because of the influx of visitors. And Taj Mahal is a temple so it cannot accommodate a huge crowd for it might be unruly. This is sad because Taj Mahal is the first in our list of itinerary if our plan to visit India next year pushes through. Hmm, this give me a lot of thinking.

    When we were in Beijing last January, the only consideration for the Great Wall is the cost of transportation and entrance ticket. It didn't cause any problem for us since we were prepared to spend. And the cold weather was the only spoiler of sorts but not the reservation or anything. This is really sad about Taj Mahal.
  8. Chahal

    Chahal ਜੱਟ ਕੀ ਤੇ ਘੱਟ ਕੀ Staff Member

    There is no reservation required for visiting Taj Mahal, just buy a ticket at the counter and get it. Taj Mahal is open for viewing between sun rise and sun set.

    The reservation is only required for night viewing not during the day.
  9. travelguide

    travelguide Active Member

    I think you got it wrong and sorry for the confusion. In day time , you can have a view without any hassles. I was talking about night views. As there is a limit on the number of visitors at night time you may find it difficult to get the ticket there. So, if you are particular about night view, try to book it on-line and once it is confirmed, plan your trip accordingly. In day time there is nothing to worry about. Best of luck and enjoy your trip.
    Alexandoy likes this.
  10. Alexandoy

    Alexandoy Member

    @travelguide, you are right, I got it wrong, misunderstood. So I am back to the original plan that Taj Mahal is once again on top of the list. Thanks very much for clarifying because last night my wife was also dismayed upon knowing the hassle involved in going to Agra. But anyway, we don't have a plan for a night visit and a daytime visit for a few selfie is a just fine. Thanks very much for the information you are providing in this thread.