Wheelchair access at Har ki Pauri

Discussion in 'North India' started by ChetanAhuja, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. ChetanAhuja

    ChetanAhuja New Member

    I am wheelchair bound and want to go to Har ki Pauri in Haridwar. I need to know whether Har ki Pauri is accessible for those who are in a wheel chair, as I am unable to find any information regarding getting access to Har ki Pauri.
    Is there any assistance there for help?

  2. Dhruv

    Dhruv Member

    Yes Har ki Pauri is accessible for wheel chair users. You would need to bring your own wheel chair as wheel chairs are not available for rent there.
    You would not find any assistance there, so it would be good if you bring someone along with you to make it easier for you, if it is required.

  3. M Choubey

    M Choubey New Member

    Yes Har ki Pauri is fully accessible for wheelchair users. Its main part where puja is held is accessible... its just few bridges on top of it are not accessible but these are not part of it as well...

    You would have to take your wheelchair with you... if you are wheelchair user then its obvious...

    I can also suggest you to book hotels on Har ki Pauri itself... this enables you :

    1. No transfer required for wheelchair to vehicle and vice versa. Big advantage only a wheelchair user can understand.
    2. You can visit Har ki Pauri, River, Ghats as many times as you like.
    3. You can sit in you room's balcony and enjoy the beauty and ora of this place.

    There are few hotels right on Har ki Pauri of all budget and stars. We stayed at "Ganga Lahari" best hotel for wheelchair user only 2 steps are there but that's nothing in India. People are helpful and more than happy to assist you.

    Hope I answer you question clearly. Let me know if you need any other help.

    Attached Files:

    Chahal and ChaiNashta like this.
  4. Anila

    Anila New Member

    I checked for myself today, Ganga Lahiri is not accessible. Chetan, could you find something for you while you were there? Accessible hotel having wheelchair access to room and bathroom ??
    Pl let me know, would be useful info for me.