Flights from Delhi to Chandigarh

Discussion in 'Transportation' started by HarleenOh, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. HarleenOh

    HarleenOh New Member

    I am aware that Chandigarh Airport is operational and would like to know if there are regular flights which go from Delhi to Chandigarh. If so then I would also like to know what the cost of flights from Delhi to Chandigarh is for a one-way journey.

    I know it would not be cheaper than getting a taxi, but if the difference is not a lot, I would rather get a flight.

  2. briannagodess

    briannagodess Well-Known Member

    Hi there, welcome to the forum!



    The Chandigarh International Airport is the main airport of Chandigarh, but it also serves Punjab, Haryana and even Himachal Pradesh. Most of the flights to and from the airport are for Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune and Srinagar. The airport also caters to the cities of Sharjah and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. These international flights were only recent additions to the airport, having been added this September 2016 only. The domestic flights though were in existence way before these international flights. Flights between Delhi and Chandigarh has been existing since the last quarter of the 19th century.

    Flights from Delhi to Chandigarh

    There are daily flights between Delhi and Chandigarh. Fare rates differ though depending on how early you book your ticket. Generally, the earlier you book the ticket, the more money that you can save. If you book at the very last minute, rates are on the higher side and travel time might even be longer in duration. On average, the flight duration is between 55 minutes to 1 hour and 20 minutes between Delhi to Chandigarh. Below, we would highlight some of the fare rates for the different airlines in different days of the month of January and February.

    Delhi to Chandigarh Flights - January 17, 2017

    AirlineFlight NumberJourney DurationDeparture TimeRate
    Spice JetSG 26431 Hour and 10 Minutes14:05Rs. 3,797
    Jet Airways9W 26451 Hour and 15 Minutes14:30Rs. 3,904
    VistaraUK 8301 Hour13:35Rs. 3,985
    Indigo6E 93755 Minutes13:50Rs. 3,966
    Air IndiaAI 4631 Hour11:00Rs. 4,456
    For example, if you book a flight this very instance, these are the prices for flights that you would encounter. The prices range between Rs. 3,797 to Rs. 4,456 and the journey duration is just an hour, more or less. These are the cheapest flights for this date, you would find that there are more flights but they cost more than Rs. 4,456 and can even go as high as Rs. 19,979. They also have longer journey durations, some reaching 19 hours or even more. It would not be practical to choose such flights.

    Delhi to Chandigarh Flights - January 25, 2017

    AirlineFlight NumberJourney DurationDeparture TimeRate
    Jet Airways9W 26531 Hour13:25Rs. 3,454
    Jet Airways9W 26451 Hour and 15 Minutes14:30Rs. 3,454
    VistaraUK 8301 Hour13:35Rs. 3,252
    Indigo6E 93755 Minutes13:50Rs. 3,480
    Air IndiaAI 4631 Hour11:00Rs. 3,926
    For the remaining days in January, this date is the first to have cheaper flight rates. As you can see, Vistara has the cheapest fare rate at Rs. 3,252 per passenger. Even the flights from Jet Airways are quite affordable at Rs. 3,454 per passenger. If you compare Air India's air fare from above, it is significantly lower at Rs. 3,926 although still the most expensive in this batch. There are more flights for this date but they have prices ranging between Rs. 11,187 to Rs. 21,419 per passenger.

    Delhi to Chandigarh Flights - January 27, 2017

    AirlineFlight NumberJourney DurationDeparture TimeRate
    Spice JetSG 26431 Hour and 10 Minutes14:05Rs. 3,161
    Jet Airways9W 26451 Hour and 15 Minutes14:30Rs. 3,454
    VistaraUK 8301 Hour13:35Rs. 3,252
    Indigo6E 93755 Minutes13:50Rs. 3,797
    Air IndiaAI 4631 Hour11:00Rs. 3,288
    Rates get even lower during this date. Spice Jet lowered its offerings at Rs. 3,161 per passenger. The Vistara flight included above costs just Rs. 3,252 per passenger. The last three airlines, Air India, Indigo and Jet Airways have higher fare rates but still comparatively lower as compared to the previous days.

    Delhi to Chandigarh Flights - January 31, 2017

    AirlineFlight NumberJourney DurationDeparture TimeRate
    Spice JetSG 26431 Hour and 10 Minutes14:05Rs. 2,631
    Jet Airways9W 26451 Hour and 15 Minutes14:30Rs. 2,805
    VistaraUK 8301 Hour13:35Rs. 2,070
    Indigo6E 93755 Minutes13:50Rs. 4,276
    Air IndiaAI 4631 Hour11:00Rs. 3,926
    This is the last day for the month of January which has very affordable rates. Vistara has the lowest rate at Rs. 2,070 per passenger. On the other hand, both Spice Jet at Rs. 2,631 and Jet Airways at Rs. 2,805 still has rates that are under Rs. 3,000 per passenger. Unfortunately, Indigo and Air India are not good options as they raise their rates for this date.

    Delhi to Chandigarh Flights - February 1, 2017

    AirlineFlight NumberJourney DurationDeparture TimeRate
    Spice JetSG 26431 Hour and 10 Minutes14:05Rs. 1,810
    Jet Airways9W 26451 Hour and 15 Minutes14:30Rs. 2,085
    VistaraUK 8301 Hour13:35Rs. 2,070
    Indigo6E 93755 Minutes13:50Rs. 3,752
    Air IndiaAI 4631 Hour11:00Rs. 2,362
    We now go to the month of February, starting with the first day. Spice Jet has the lowest air fare at just Rs. 1,810 per passenger. For the past few days, this is the lowest rate that you can get so if you can book this now, do so. Both Vistara and Jet Airways has air fares below Rs. 2,100 per passenger so still very affordable. The last two, Air India and Indigo, have the most expensive rates yet still comparatively more affordable if you compare to the previous month.

    Delhi to Chandigarh Flights - February 6, 2017

    AirlineFlight NumberJourney DurationDeparture TimeRate
    Spice JetSG 26431 Hour and 10 Minutes14:05Rs. 1,810
    Jet Airways9W 26451 Hour and 15 Minutes14:30Rs. 2,085
    VistaraUK 8301 Hour13:35Rs. 4,243
    Indigo6E 93755 Minutes13:50Rs. 4,276
    Air IndiaAI 4631 Hour11:00Rs. 3,926
    For this date, Spice Jet remains as the airline with the lowest air fare at Rs. 1,810 per passenger. Jet Airways retains its Rs. 2,085 rate per passenger. On the other hand, Air India, Vistara and Indigo have the most expensive flights ranging between Rs. 3,926 to Rs. 4,276 per passenger. Fortunately, even the other flights in this date don't exceed Rs. 14,000 per passenger unlike the previous days.

    Delhi to Chandigarh Flights - February 14, 2017

    AirlineFlight NumberJourney DurationDeparture TimeRate
    Spice JetSG 26431 Hour and 10 Minutes14:05Rs. 1,810
    Jet Airways9W 26451 Hour and 15 Minutes14:30Rs. 2,085
    VistaraUK 8301 Hour13:35Rs. 1,698
    Indigo6E 93755 Minutes13:50Rs. 2,420
    Air IndiaAI 4631 Hour11:00Rs. 2,573
    Last is this date for February which has the lowest rates for this half of the month. Vistara leads the pack with just Rs. 1,698 per passenger. Spice Jet retained its price of Rs. 1,810 per passenger. Jet Airways, Indigo and Air India all have fares under Rs. 2,600 per passenger. There are many more flights for this date, but none of them exceed Rs. 10,581 per passenger.


    These air fares above can give you an idea of the cost of flights between Delhi and Chandigarh. Generally, at their cheapest, you can find flights as low as Rs. 1,698 and as high as Rs. 4,456. Of course, there are flights that cost more than this but on average, this is what you'll pay at the most. When you compare this to a taxi fare incurred between Delhi and Chandigarh, the difference isn't that huge. Taxi fares between Delhi and Chandigarh cost between Rs. 2,500 to Rs. 8,000, depending on the type of taxi that you hire. If you are able to book the lower cost flights, you might end up saving some money in the end.