I remember stumbling upon the most dangerous roads in India and Kishtwar Kailash is included in that list. The roads can be extremely scary seeing that it has no guard rail or secured edging for about a hundred miles, add to that the wind and the narrow paths.
And it doesn't help seeing that below are valleys, not water. The roads aren't paved, you'll encounter gravel, rocks and sand along the way. It's definitely not for the faint-hearted, even the most experienced drivers would have a hard time navigating through it.
Imagine if two cars are to meet in that steep area, one have to reverse in order to give way for the other. And that reverse can be even more dangerous than moving forward. And what if it suddenly rained or you get sudden strong winds... I can only imagine the fears of those who have braved these roads. The rocks hanging in front of your way hinders you from seeing incoming cars as well, it only makes the roads more risky and dangerous.
To be honest, I would love to one day try this road. I won't be driving though, my husband will be, he's a great driver. I know if I did the driving, we might as well jump into the cliff. Hahahaha! Yes, that's how terrible I am with driving. And I think my husband would love this challenge as well... I need to show him this picture tomorrow. Lol.