Traveling With Children

Discussion in 'Travel advice' started by Rayne, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Rayne

    Rayne New Member

    I plan to bring my children along on this trip. They are 11 and 9. What is some of the best advice you have on traveling with children to a foreign country?

  2. Jiggy

    Jiggy New Member

    Do not let them out of your sight and make sure that they mind their manners. My daughter travels with me everywhere and I have noticed that some cultures are offended by rude children. Not that my kid is a total brat, but she did have the occasional moment when she was a toddler.

  3. GammaRay

    GammaRay Member

    Yup not letting them out of your sight is a good one. Also, let them know where your hotel is located and the important phone numbers to call. you can give them a piece of paper with all the emergency contacts written on it and write down the address of your embassy when you're vacationing far from the capital. Do they have mobile phones? All the important stuff can be found in the address book or notepad.
    Angelswings likes this.
  4. Angelswings

    Angelswings New Member

    My main piece of advice would be to plan your itinerary carefully. Kids and parents don't always enjoy doing the same things, so let everyone have a chance to pick at least one thing they really want to do. I also think little kids get tired really easily in the heat, although at ages 11 and 9 that may not be too much of an issue.
  5. jnorth88

    jnorth88 Active Member

    Make sure your children understand they have to be responsible and well behaved.Actually communicate that to them, and tell them they have your respect and trust, and that it is a responsibility. They will need to stay close, keep and open mind, be respectful, be watchful, look out for each other, and be prepared. It should be a lot of fun. Are they excited for the trip? If they are, I think everything will work out fine. But sometimes kids are not interested in leaving their friends and games behind, and don't yet understand the opportunity to learn that travel represents. Be sure to show them there is more than their backyard. It opens their eyes. Travel really helped me understand the world and mature at a young age.
  6. If you are travelling in crowded locations then it is best to keep them as close to as possible at all times, may not let go of their hand at all. Also instruct them to not interact or take anything from any stranger on the street, no matter how friendly they seem. Also since you can't allow them to go on their own let them decide where they want to go as well, so that you don't ruin their trip by being too restrictive.
  7. amelia88

    amelia88 Active Member

    I don't have children yet myself - but some close friends of mine do, and those friends have travelled pretty extensively with their children. A lot of the time they choose private, organized tours over taking public transportation for the places they've been to. That is just one less thing they need to worry about, I guess.

    Also, depending on where they're going, ensuring that vaccinations are up to date and that they have a first aid kid with necessary over the counter medications if anyone is to fall ill is something they've always encouraged the importance of. I can't imagine how tough it would be having a sick child on a holiday and not being able to find medication that you may need.
  8. integrity101

    integrity101 Member

    Traveling abroad with children can be fun, educational, and a great bonding opportunity. It is not as difficult as many believe it to be, especially if you are ready to make a few concessions. The key is to be prepared for the culture shock the young ones will experience in issues such as a new language and limitations of movement. It is also important to ensure that you have comprehensive travel insurance cover before you leave the country. The insurance policy should ideally cover all your family's medical expenses. Carry along a minimal number of luggage (bags) and always keep in mind that child safety standards in the new country may not be as stringent as in your home country. Do not expect pools, balconies, toys, and car seats to have the same safety levels as those in your hometown. Otherwise, the trip will prepare your children to become great world citizens.