Do they have Turtles in Mauritius?

Sharath S

We are coming to Mauritius in the month of July. this is a family Trip and will include a big family of 8 which include Children and old aged People. Which are the Child-friendly locations and which are the most important places we shouldn't miss out with on our visit? Do they have Turtles in Mauritius and can they be adopted and imported into India? What are the rules of importing a turtle if that is a possibility?
Thanks in Advance.
Yes there's sea turtles in mauritius although I'm not sure if you mean tortoises or turtles? Where would you keep a sea turtle if you were to import it? I'm not too sure on the rules of importing either turtles or tortoises my concern is whether or not you have the adequete space for keeping a huge sea turtle in your house.
Import turtles? Aren't there regulations that are against something like this? In any case I've also heard that it is illegal to have a turtle as a pet in India so buying one would probably get you in trouble. But if you like turtles then you can still enjoy yourself a lot because there are plenty of them in Mauritius.