I don't know if any of you may be aware but there was a ferry service which was being operated from India to SriLanka which was stopped in 2012. There was nothing heard about this after that, does anyone have any information whether the India to SriLanka ferry service will start again or not?
There has been an appeal from the UN refugee agency for the services to restart, and it is yet to be heard whether the appeal will be granted or not.
If you want to go by sea then swimming is going to be the quickest way. There are no ferries between India and Srilanka. There was some disputes over catering bills and fuel when I last inquired into the matter. Mr Modi is in power now and my hope are high. This ferry service if they start it will save a lot of money as people have to fly to Colombo to get to Srilanka these days.
Really? Swimming? Also, I hadn't thought about the fact that if there were such a service, it wouldn't be advisable, due to refugees. It's a sad time, and I think that some aspects of tourism are being affected by it.
I really stand by to the fact that Narendra Modiji will do his best over this matter. At the moment, there are bigger problems at hand that need solving. But I am sure that before the completion of his term he would so something Productive over this regard. There have been lot of history and Disputes regarding the Sri Ram Bridge/Passage. I don't understand why Someone would want to destroy such an old historic relic as that. Restarting the road service will assist the poor to find an easy way to go to India or come here to India. I still don't understand the politics behind all this. Nevermind, I have been to Srilanka and I have enjoyed my stay there. It is not true that Indians don't visit Srilanka as often as Westerners.