Surprising Traditions

Discussion in 'Travel advice' started by Tamboa, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. Tamboa

    Tamboa New Member

    I love learning about the customs of people in each new country that I visit. In some countries, I’ve found that shops are always closed on Sundays, in others, women can’t go into bars. It’s always something surprising!

    For anyone who has visited India, what was the most surprising custom or tradition that you observed?

  2. Vinaya

    Vinaya Member

    India is predominantly Hindu country. However, India is also home to largest Muslim population outside Muslim world. Thus India has many interesting cultural practices and traditions. You greet to people by joining two palms and saying "Namaste" which literally means hello. It is very common for people to touch the feet of elder while greeting.

  3. tri-n-b-helpful

    tri-n-b-helpful New Member

    I haven't been to India yet, but work with some people from India and hear a fair bit about the customs and traditions in India.

    They actually find toilet paper repulsive and find they can do a much better job by just splashing a bit of water in the general direction of the necessary area with the left hand.

    I have noticed that Indian wives will never say their husband's name aloud, even when speaking to him. They believe it is very disrespectful to say his name aloud. She will often just say what needs to be said without referring to him at all, maybe calling him "ji" on occasion.

    To be a widow in India is very bad luck. They are treated very poorly and generally looked down upon in society, particularly by the older generation. In many places, they are social outcasts, cannot attend social nor religious gatherings and are not even allowed in the presence of newly married couples.
  4. gerbera

    gerbera New Member

    How sad is that, being looked down upon just because you are a widow. I certainly hope that changes with the younger people. You can't help if you husband passes away and it isn't your fault. That is a very strange tradition, can anyone tell me why?
  5. swalia

    swalia Guest

    Widows really lived in pitiable conditions but thankfully times have changed now. Indian society has progressed a lot but still in rural areas, widows are looked down upon. Hopefully this will also change in the coming times!
  6. George

    George Member

    That is very amazing. My father is from France and when we grew up we greeted each other with a kiss on both cheeks. It was always the way of life in our home. When we were very young we received a kiss on the top of our heads when family came to visit.
  7. Ritika Sharma

    Ritika Sharma Member

    India the land of rich cultural heritage and one can witness lots of cutoms. Some of the common customs and traditions are listed below.
    1. Saying "Namaste" when they meet someone to show respect.
    2. Youngers touch the feet of Elders to show respect.
    3. Married womans lay cloth on their head in front of their elders is also a sign of respect.
  8. violet

    violet New Member

    I love the traditions that each culture has for greetings. My mother's parents were French, George, and we did kiss cheeks and hug every time we saw each other. My father's family never had any such tradition.
  9. swalia

    swalia Guest

    Touching the feet of the elders as a mark of respect has been an age-old Indian tradition. Saying 'Namaste' by joining the palms of both hands is the most common greeting. A peck on the cheek or forehead is not very common in India. It is acceptable only within the family where elders show their love and affection for kids in this way.
  10. Elaine

    Elaine Member

    @Vinaya, I have never witnessed someone touching the feet of an older person, but I have seen it on television. I think it's really fascinating and a very unique tradition.
  11. Malibu

    Malibu New Member

    I have never heard of touching the feet of the elderly. Is that a sign of respect? Do people expect this from everyone, including tourists?
  12. Paul

    Paul New Member

    I don't really think that people would expect you to do that if you are a tourist. I wouldn't mind doing it though if it meant that I would be rude otherwise.