200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chit Chat' started by Charlotte, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. Charlotte

    Charlotte New Member

    I have heard that there are 200-hour yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh, where you can learn effectively. I have no knowledge about the 200-hour training, so I thought I would ask on the forum to get more information about it.

    I don't need any minor information just the basics, like cost, why it is a 200-hour training session and generally how good it is.

  2. briannagodess

    briannagodess Well-Known Member

    Hello, @Charlotte, welcome to the forum!


    As a science that originated from India, yoga is now known as one of the best forms of exercises in the world. Of course, to yogis, it is more than just a means to enhance your physical looks, but rather a process, that would help you unite yourself as a whole to attain ultimate self-knowledge. And although there are many yoga schools worldwide, there's no better place to learn yoga than in Rishikesh. Known as the capital of yoga in the world, Rishikesh has plenty of options when it comes to trainings for aspiring yoga teachers. Whatever your budget might be, you are bound to find a yoga centre or ashram that can accommodate you. With the Ganga river also flowing close by to the city, along with the Himalayas nearby, this ensures that you would find some peace and serenity when practising your poses and meditation.

    200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

    Many schools, ashrams or yoga centres offer 200-hour yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh. There are over 200 yoga schools in Rishikesh alone so it can be a bit confusing which school to choose for your training. In this guide, we would highlight the best 200-hour yoga teacher training schools in Rishikesh. When choosing a school though, you need to find a reputable one, that is internationally certified and also has their roots established in the country already. As such, you would learn efficiently and you won't encounter any issues when applying for your international accreditation as a yoga teacher. Keep in mind the following requirements in choosing the best ashram or school for you:
    • Internationally Registered - At best, the yoga school or ashram should be a Registered Yoga School (RYS) in the Yoga Alliance of the USA. This somehow gives you an assurance that their courses are valid and that you can practice as a yoga teacher after your course. Most especially so if you come from another country, where there are strict guidelines when it comes to yoga teachers who want to establish their own centres.
    • Legacy of School - Another factor that you must consider is just how established the school is. Usually, the older schools or ashrams have better foundations due to their longer experience and expertise in yoga. While you shouldn't really be afraid of the newer schools, chances are, they are still testing the water and you might not get the best out of your money.
    • Teachers - The yogis that would teach you should be experienced as well. You can usually find reviews online about such yoga teachers or even word of mouth might help. An expert teacher can help hone your skills so that in turn, you can also help others. Such a teacher is hard to find but they do exist so make sure you ask around before registering yourself with a specific school or teacher.
    • Program/Course - There are different 200-hour yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh. It's best to find the best one suitable for you, by reading online and going over their course outlines. Some only offer Hatha yoga, while others combine a mixture of Hatha yoga, Pranayama and meditation. It depends on what your interests are and your ultimate goal is when you want to choose the best yoga school for you. Usually though, the schools have an outline of the course inclusions along with the daily schedule you would encounter.
    • Other Inclusions - Does the program already include all meals of the day? Does the school have WiFi or is it located close to commercial areas? Does it have other facilities such as a library or even a kitchen? You would also need to know all of these things when making a decision of choosing the best yoga teacher training school for you. Also important are the study materials, are they included in the course fee already? Are there also some excursions during weekends?
    • Cost - Lastly, is the cost of the course competitive? Does it fare well when compared to other schools? What are the refund policies of the school in case you didn't liked the program? These questions would help you get the most out of your money and also help you in case you have changed your mind if the school didn't meet your expected standards.
    Now that we have highlighted what requirements would make a yoga teacher training school valid, we then go to the schools and courses themselves. Below, we would highlight some of the best 200-hour yoga teacher training schools in Rishikesh.

    The Best 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Schools in Rishikesh

    School/AshramYoga Alliance RYSDate EstablishedInclusionsCost
    Nada Yoga SchoolYes1950Training, Materials, Meals, Accommodation, Sightseeing and WiFi1,500 USD
    Rishikesh School of YogaYes1998Training, Meals and Accommodation1,549 USD
    Association for Yoga and MeditationYes2005Training, Materials, Accommodation and Meals1,350 to 1,500 USD
    Yoga School of IndiaYes2005Training, Meals and Accommodation1,500 USD
    Rishikesh Yog PeethYes2006Training, Materials, Meals, Accommodation and Sightseeing1,400 to 1,600 USD
    These are the top five 200-hour yoga training schools in Rishikesh. They are arranged accordingly, from the oldest up to the newest ones. There are lots more but these are the top-rated ones and their legacies are already established. Let us begin highlighting their 200-hour yoga teacher training courses and also other inclusions within these courses.

    1. Nada Yoga School - This yoga school was established in 1950 by Swami D. R. Parvatikar Maharaj. It stands as one of the oldest yoga schools in Rishikesh so you're quite assured of their courses and teachers. Their 200-hour yoga teacher training course is very extensive which includes Hatha yoga, Ayurveda, Shatkarma, meditation, Pranayama and even music classes. Typically, your schedule begins at 6:00 am and lasts until 8:30 pm everyday. All three meals of the day are included with the fee too, but they are vegetarian only. Water is widely available in the school too so you can stay hydrated as much as you'd like. For the course itself, both the theoretical and practical aspect of yoga would be covered. Yoga practice involves about 3 to 4 hours daily so you get the most out of your stay. In addition, vocal or musical Indian classes are also given along with excursions out of the school during Sundays. At the end of the course, a test would be given to fully know whether you have understood the concepts taught to you. All the training materials are also given to guests. You would share a non-AC room with another student, so there would be two persons in one room but an attached bathroom is there. Lastly, WiFi is widely available in the school so you can still contact your loved ones back home. Nada Yoga School is registered with the Yoga Alliance and a 200-hour yoga training course costs 1,500 USD per person.
    • Address - Nada Yoga School, 20 Meters Left From Ram Jhula Bridge, Swargashram 249304, Rishikesh, India.
    • Contact Number - +91 94120 29817.
    2. Rishikesh School of Yoga - The Rishikesh School of Yoga was established by Swami Umesh Yogi in 1998. It is also registered under the Yoga Alliance so it is recognised worldwide. Their 200-hour yoga teacher training course is also extensive, with the practice itself amounting to over 125 hours out of the 200 hours. The remaining hours are divided into yoga theoretical lectures, anatomy lectures, teaching lectures and practicals. As such, you are honed well when it comes to the yoga poses which are very vital in your training as a yoga teacher. The course includes Pranayamas, Vedantas, Sat Karmas and Asanas too. Training is five and a half days in a week so you have Saturday afternoons and Sundays off. During these days, you can tour the city or simply rest after a fulfilling week. All meals of the day are provided for, which are Indian and Western vegetarian dishes. You can also request for fresh fruits as snacks. Their 200-hour yoga teacher training course costs 1,549 USD per person.
    • Address - Rishikesh School of Yoga Tapovan, Badhrinath Road Rishikesh, Terhi Gharwal, Uttarakhand 249192, India.
    • Contact Number - +91 99977 63812.
    3. Association for Yoga and Meditation - Although fairly newer than the former schools, the Association for Yoga and Meditation is one of the most popular yoga schools in Rishikesh. It was established by Yogi Chetan Mahesh in 2005, along with other famous yogis. It is not only registered with Yoga Alliance, it is also registered with World Yoga Council and International Yoga Federation. What sets their 200-hour yoga teacher training course apart is that it not only includes one practice but three, namely: Hatha yoga, Iyengar yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. This would give you the opportunity to truly cover different aspects of yoga and also deepen your understanding of it. The course is spread over four weeks with six modules, each module has a practice test after it too. You can choose a shared accommodation for 1,350 USD or a private accommodation for 1,500 USD. Both includes the three meals of the day along with the basic materials you need for the course.
    • Address - Association for Yoga and Meditation, Upper Tapovan, Baba Balaknath Temple Street, Tapovan, Near Laxman Jhulla, Tehri Garwal, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India.
    • Contact Number - +91 75002 77709.
    4. School of Yoga India - Also established in 2005 is the Yoga School of India, which is registered under the Yoga Alliance too. Their 200-hour yoga teacher training course is divided mainly into two sections: Hatha yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. The school combines the traditional principles of Hatha yoga and the modern principles of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. Meditation, anatomy and teaching techniques are also included in the module. In total, you would cover six modules and each module would have an exam to test what you have learned from it. Each class can accommodate up to 25 people so it is very compact still. Meals are vegetarian and organic, suitable for the training as well. If ever you need internet connection, you won't need to go out of the school as WiFi is widely available. For 1,500 USD per person, you can avail of their 200-hour yoga teacher training course already.
    • Address - School Of Yoga India, Upper Tapovan, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India.
    5. Rishikesh Yog Peeth - Last on the list is the Rishikesh Yog Peeth, established in 2006 by locals from Rishikesh. As compared to the other yoga schools, it is fairly new but still has 10 years under its experience. The school has connections with four hotels and one ashram to accommodate the students' needs. The cost for the 200-hour yoga teacher training course varies but it's between 1,400 to 1,600 USD. You need to book in advance as courses easily become fully booked. Of course, the school operates under the Yoga Alliance as well so your certification would be valid worldwide. Each class has about 20 students so it's very private and compact. In the course, you would be lectured for the history of yoga along with the anatomy of the human body. Also included are Pranayama and meditation within your schedules. The course is very basic but would give you a complete overview of yoga. All three meals of the day are also included along with a private accommodation for each student.
    • Address - Rishikesh Yog Peeth, Krishna Cottage I, Swarg Ashram, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249304, India.
    • Contact Number - +91 13524 40193.

    As you can see, cost for this course is around 1,350 to 1,600 USD per person. This cost is usually for one month of training, along with your meals and accommodation. Some yoga schools offer shared accommodation while others offer private accommodation. Some also have WiFi connectivity for guests. Most of the meals offered are of the vegetarian variety only so if you want non-vegetarian options, you need to go out of the school or ashram. Make sure that you choose a Yoga Alliance certified school though so that your certificate would be recognised globally.

    I hope this helps you.:)

  3. mrskrdl

    mrskrdl New Member

    There are 200 yoga teachers training program which is ran by almost 200 schools in Rishikesh. Everyone has their cost decided as per the services and the kind of accommodation they are offering. if you looking for the best one, you need to speak to them one by one via whatsapp or facebook or can call them directly too. just google yoga school in rishikesh or 200 yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh and you will see lot's of school listing there on google maps thing and then you can place the call accordingly and choose the best prize and school whatever suits you. hope that helped!