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Chocolate & Tourism

Discussion in 'Food & Drinks' started by amelia88, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. amelia88

    amelia88 Active Member

    Another new concept when it comes to creating tourism and products people want to buy on vacation is chocolate.

    I've added a link below about chocolate tourism in India, but a few quick questions first!

    Do you buy chocolate when you're on vacation as gifts to take back for friends and family?

    Do you try and buy or taste local delicacies?

    For me, all my family and friends adore chocolate. If I'm on vacation and there are special, locally made chocolates or sweets, I almost always pick some up to take back and share with them.

    The article is below:

    Tamil Nadu could promote chocolate tourism, delegate at Global Investors Meet says - The Times of India

    There is a huge potential for developing value added products from cocoa, and Tamil Nadu could promote the concept of "chocolate tourism," said managing director of Lotte India Suresh Iyer on Thursday.

    "Tamil Nadu could take a leaf out of Karnataka and promote chocolate tourism wherein tourists could visit cocoa farms," Iyer said while speaking at an agro and food processing seminar at the Global Investors Meet (GIM) in Chennai.

    "In India, lot of cocoa today is consumed in biscuit and cakes. Nearly 60% of the domestic cocoa production is used in ice creams and bakery products. So there are a lot of opportunities for introduction of value added products in that category like selling of chocolate flakes to hotel chains," he said.

    Iyer said soft drinks could be replaced by chocolates as an impulse category in food and drink. "Chocolate consumption is a guilt- free indulgence for many and categories like dark chocolates which have been positioned on the health platform have done well," he said.

    Iyer also advocated investment in a cocoa trading platform or spot platform that would help buyers and producers realise good margins.
    Ashwin Mahesh likes this.
  2. travelguide

    travelguide Active Member

    This is a new thing for me, I never heard of anything called chocolate tourism. Thanks for updating me.

    Yes, I think there will be nobody who does not like Chocolates. Dark chocolates, made from the seed of cocoa tree, are said to be one of the best sources of antioxidants available today. It can greatly improve immunity, overall health and reduce risk of heart disease. Nowadays, gifting of chocolate boxes is quite common on special occasions. I love chocolates, especially dark chocolates with a slight bitterness in it.
  3. btalivny

    btalivny Member

    Yes, Indian products seem to lean towards chocolate goods. I find it great because I love chocolate and their would always be a stash in the office if I went for a business trip.
  4. pwarbi

    pwarbi Active Member

    I must admit I've never heard of chocolate tourism either although thinking about it, chocolate probably is one of the most popular gifts that people will take back home when they've been to a foreign country, so would make sense as a business opportunity.
  5. DarkStarling

    DarkStarling New Member

    I usually bring back the some of the more local curiosities - interesting looking candies or the types of chocolate that have the best taste. They make a good present, or a good guilty pleasure for myself I get a sugar craving. They make for an ideal present, I think, but do make care to store them properly since the heat can easily make them into goo.
  6. bluegreen

    bluegreen New Member

    In fact i've never heard of this concept before, it's very interesting! I might start doing it in my summer trips. Since 2009 or 2010 I make a big trip every summer with my girlfriend, and she loves chocolate (well, I think every women loves chocolate ahah)! What I always do before going on a trip, when I'm preparing the trip (Searching for hotels, landscapes, stuff to watch like monuments, important spaces and buildings, public transportation etc) I always search typicall sweets and local grocery and it's certainly in the top of my priority in terms of things to do when I visit a new place! :D So it's good to know this info about India! Thank you for sharing amelia88! :p
  7. pwarbi

    pwarbi Active Member

    While this might not be the best place to ask, it is related to the OP. Is there any rules and restrictions on what foods you can bring back, or more to the point, take out of India? I know some countries for example you can't bring back food with a certain ingredient, or you can only bring back a certain quantity.

    I was just wondering if there's any restrictions in regards to this in India.
  8. amelia88

    amelia88 Active Member

    Hmm that's a good question. I don't imagine there's problems with taking anything out of India that's been made there - my thoughts would be that the problems (if any) would be on the end of your country of origin. I know that usually, where I'm from, provided that I declare I'm bringing food back into the country and let them look at it if they need or want to, then it hasn't been a problem bringing food back in before.

    I always note down on the customs declarations that it's packaged confectionary when I bring back chocolates/sweets and generally speaking it's seemed to work, I think as long as they know it's packaged they're fine with it. Don't quote me on every country though!
  9. fatema

    fatema New Member

    I but a totally sucker for chocolate, I absolutely love it! Literally any kind, I don't have a favorite. I would love to tour places like Rome, or Italy. With some touring and chocolate, my life goals would be complete. I would never want to be a tour guide, but I would love to tour places. Touring is a great way to let out your inner tourist.
  10. vegito12

    vegito12 Member

    This could be a good experience for visitors to the country and they can see how chocolate is made and can learn what is the process, and remember the experience as well and tell others about the tours they had. I reckon discounts could be done, which improve the chances of people buying the product, and may take it home so their families can enjoy it and friends. I think that making chocolates in different flavors available will be nice as different tastes can help people choose the best ones and if visits are allowed to cocoa farms it can be nice.
  11. Steve Dawson

    Steve Dawson Member

    You can bring back sweets and chocolates to the UK as long as the packaging is unbroken, if you've dipped in and had a try it depends on what mood customs are in when you land. Chocolate really does seem to be popular in India and some of the local sweets are out of this world, truly wonderful. I'd recommend trying the local confectionary to any tourists if they like chocolate and they should be pleasantly surprised.
  12. arthnel

    arthnel Member

    I think that's a great idea. Never heard of chocolate tourism, but it sounds like a very smart idea. Once they focus on great quality products the marketing should be fine. They could consider having promotional tours to the factory so visitors could personally see the manufacturing process. Another great idea is for an arrangement with bus tour operators to take their guests to chocolate shops. The drivers get a little stipend while the chocolates get great tourist exposure. Once they are solid when you get to the departure area there should not be a problem taking some back home. You should even be able to take these goodies in your carry-on.
  13. pwarbi

    pwarbi Active Member

    Regarding the customs and being allowed to bring foods back in to your own country, I guess your probably right, and as long as the food is still sealed and hadn't been tampered with then I guess it should be alright.
  14. misskrystal1982

    misskrystal1982 New Member

    That is not something I had ever heard of before, but it makes a lot of sense. I can see different countries having different flavors of chocolate. Especially if they are locally made. After all, food itself has different staples around the world. I am sure we Americans would be in for a surprise if we were to try the different types of chocolate around the world! I know we tend to have much sweeter tastes here, with all the sugar the food industry puts in things.
  15. travelguide

    travelguide Active Member

    It is a fact that big MNCs like Nestle and Cadbury are greatly influencing the overall trends in India. Their advertisements have deep impact on Indians. Nowadays it is like a custom to give away chocolates in any functions whatever it is. Chocolate industry in India has come a long way since many years. The first visible presence was that of Cadbury who still rules the Chocolate markets in India. There is lot of scope for chocolate tourism.
  16. bluegreen

    bluegreen New Member

    Here in my city (I live in Portugal and I live in a small city, basically we don't have any tourism sites) we have a huge facility from a well known brand in the Iberic Peninsula, it's called "Cuétara" (they sell chocolates and cookies), I don't know if any of you know this brand :p But everytime I tell my college friends that I have that factory in my city they are really surprised and want to visit my city because of that eheh

    So I think that the only interesting thing in my city is this factory eheh I don't know why they decided to build it here, and not in the capital or in a big city, but the truth is that it's really good for our local economy!
  17. Rimanana

    Rimanana New Member

    I love trying new things, but chocolate is not something I'm willing to compromise on! I'd nearly bring a bar of dairy milk to comfort eat when I'm having a bad day or when my flight is delayed :)
  18. innaf93

    innaf93 Member

    Somehow when I think about certain countries there are very few ones when chocolate comes to my mind. Like Belgium or France. But it would be an interesting idea to go explore countries and get to know their chocolate and sweet culture.
  19. knitmehere

    knitmehere Member

    I personally buy a lot of sweets in general, so I find myself leaning towards those when I'm visiting other countries as well. It's easier to buy chocolates and other sweets because you already know for the most part that you are going to enjoy them.

    Each country seems to have its own version of chocolate, whether heavily sweetened, dairy added, etc. and it's fun to try out all of the different types. I've had some great chocolates with chili added. I didn't think I'd like them, but they were amazing!
  20. briannagodess

    briannagodess Well-Known Member

    I personally love chocolates and so do my family. I think that buying local foods that we can take home is mandatory when we're on trips. So a "chocolate tourism" is well up our alley. We would probably be the first ones lining up for such a tourism strategy, lol. And it is surely nice to taste local chocolates from each country or place we visit. For instance, in our country, we have our own local chocolate brands and they do hold up well against foreign, popular brands. Since they have been in the industry for a while now.
  21. knitmehere

    knitmehere Member

    The more I think about this thread, the more I wish I could go on an extended vacation dedicated to just tasting different chocolates from all around the world. I think it's something I could definitely convince my daughter and boyfriend to go on with me (without much effort, too, I'm sure). It could be a really exciting trip. Maybe as a honeymoon?
  22. thebigmind

    thebigmind New Member

    Wow! I've never heard of chocolate tourism, how brilliant!
  23. Josh

    Josh New Member

    I always try to eat like a local when traveling, it baffles me how people will go to another country and ear at a franchised fast food chain instead of exploring the unique cuisine of the area! However I don't think any chocolate bought would make it back from my trip, the plane ride alone with it would be a huge test!
  24. artyarson

    artyarson New Member

    Me neither heard of this cocept. Seems to be pretty interesting. Even though I don't normally consume chocolate that often.
  25. amelia88

    amelia88 Active Member

    If I had a husband that agreed to do that on a honeymoon I would love them even more!! It would be nice though - and romantic, I think! Some good quality chocolate and a nice bottle of local wine - sounds like the perfect way to spend a vacation to me, I would say!
  26. Bayleaf

    Bayleaf New Member

    I've never had Indian chocolate but now I really want to try it. I do tend to buy local sweets and candy bars when travelling because they are often quite different from what I am used to.

    I hope someone gets these tours going before I visit. I'd gladly pay for a few days of learning about and tasting chocolate.
  27. arthnel

    arthnel Member

    I think it's a great idea and it just needs some creativity to blend in the chocolate with the vastly cultured India. Chocolate on its own could provide enough interest for people to want to see and taste what's being offered. When you add India, at large, to the concept this is how the real tourism aspects will begin to unfold. Chocolate is a versatile food, not just confectionery. I'm sure India has there own way to make chocolate different in many ways in their country while displaying their other beautiful things and people too.
  28. Barty

    Barty New Member

    I always bring back chocolate from other countries when I travel. Most of my friends and family believe that the chocolate from other countries tastes better than anything you find in the States. However, when I visit friends overseas, they always want me to bring Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!
    arthnel likes this.
  29. arthnel

    arthnel Member

    That's the truth right there when it comes to chocolate @Barty. I also think it tastes different from country to country. When I go visiting other countries people ask me to take some of ours too. Interestingly, Ive never had dark chocolate until I visited Europe some years ago. I always had our regular stuff that was sweet and flavorful. In Europe the dark chocolate was not as sweet and even had a slightly bitter taste, but it was so creamy and good. I came back to the states and it has somehow become my favorite chocolate. So our tastes are appreciatively different.
  30. Barty

    Barty New Member

    A friend of mine recently brought me chocolate from South Africa. She insisted it was the best, but I would have to say that I am still partial to German chocolate.
  31. TravelCheap3

    TravelCheap3 Member

    Just because of my personality, I love travelling. I go once at least every 6 months abroad. I always bring something back for the family or friends. It's pretty cool to get foreign gifts. That's just me.