Delhi to Corbett by Bus:
The distance from Dehli to Corbett is around 240 KM. There are direct buses from Delhi to Ramnagar, which is the nearest town and the gateway to Jim Corbett National Park. You can catch a bus to Ramnagar from ISBT bus stand in Anand Vihar. The bus journey from Delhi to Ramnagar usually takes around 6-7 hours. Corbett National Park is just around 5 KM away from Ramnagar bus stand. You can hire an auto rickshaw for around 80-100 bucks to arrive at the Park entrance.
Delhi to Corbett by Train:
Train is the other mode of public transport from Delhi to Corbett. Ranikhet Express (train no 15013) runs daily from Delhi to Ramnagar. It departs from Delhi at 10:45 PM and arrives in Ramnagar at 5:15 AM on the next morning. You can also book your return journey by the same train. From Ramnagar, it starts at 8:45 PM and reaches Delhi at 4 AM. It is unlikely that you can get a confirmed reservation at such a short notice, but you could probably try booking through Tatkal quota. Train journey is way more comfortable than the 7 hours long bus journey.
Delhi to Corbett by Car:
If you are planning to drive down to Corbett from Delhi, then the best option is to take NH24 via Harpur, Garhmukteshwar and Gajraula. Continue to drive along NH24 past Gajraula to arrive at Muradabad. From there drive towards Thakurdwara, Kashpur and Ramnagar. Distance is around 257 KM and it can take about 6 hours by car. This is the best route to reach Corbett from Delhi.
Route 1: Delhi - Harpur - Garhmukteshwar - Gajraula - Muradabad - Thakurdwara - Kashpur - Ramnagar - Corbett.
If you are looking to visit the Sonanadi Range of Corbett, then there is a better option. Take NH24 till Gajraula, turn left towards Chandpur and then continue onto NH74 via Dhampur, Afzalgarh and Kalagarh. The total distance is around 237 KM and it would take about 5 hours to arrive at the Sonanadi Zone of Corbett National Park.
Route 2: Delhi - Harpur - Garhmukteshwar - Gajraula - Chandpur - Dhampur - Kalagarh - Corbett (Sonanadi Range).
For budget accommodation near Corbett, you can try Karan's Corbett Motel. It's a decent hotel with parking facility. The tariff is around INR 1200 per night and the location is very near to the park entrance. Another budget hotel at Ramnagar is Hotel Corbett Plaza. Corbett Tulsi Palace is also pretty affordable. There are a few more economy class hotels around Corbett. So finding a room within your budget won't be too difficult. As you are planning to visit Corbett over a weekend, I would strongly suggest you to book your stay in advance.