@Ramika, welcome to the forum!
The distance between Kanchipuram and Chennai is about 90 kilometres, driving this can take around 2 hours. Journey duration is a bit longer if you decide to take public transportation, maybe around 2 to 3 hours. The city of Kanchipuram is served by its own railway station, the Kanchipuram Railway Station. It is directly connected to Chennai too, mainly the Chennai Egmore Railway Station. Only a few trains ply between these two stations so it's important to know which trains they are.
Trains from Kanchipuram to Chennai
There are 10 trains plying between Kanchipuram and Chennai. However, two of them have schedules that are for the night time so I don't include them in the list. Below are the trains plying between Kanchipuram and Chennai during day time only.
Day Trains from Kanchipuram to Chennai
Train Name and Number | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Schedule | Duration |
Tirumalpur Chennai Beach Train No. 40702 | 5:30 | 7:58 | Daily except Sunday | 2 hours and 28 minutes |
Tirumalpur Chennai Beach Train No. 40704 | 7:20 | 9:06 | Daily except Sunday | 1 hour and 46 minutes |
Tirumalpur Chennai Beach Train No. 40706 | 8:10 | 10:01 | Daily except Sunday | 1 hour and 51 minutes |
Tirumalpur Chennai Beach Train No. 40756 | 8:10 | 10:35 | Sunday | 2 hours and 25 minutes |
Kancheepuram Chennai Beach Train No. 40802 | 9:05 | 11:35 | Daily except Sunday | 2 hours and 30 minutes |
Tirumalpur Chennai Beach Train No. 40708 | 10:40 | 12:56 | Daily except Sunday | 2 hours and 16 minutes |
Tirumalpur Chennai Beach Train No. 66042 | 13:55 | 16:24 | Daily | 2 hours and 29 minutes |
These are all the day unreserved trains plying for this route. They depart primarily from the Kanchipuram Railway Station and arrive in the Chennai Egmore Railway Station. Out of all of these trains, the Tirumalpur Chennai Beach Train No. 40704 is one of your best options. Its journey duration is just 1 hour and 46 minutes. It departs at 7:20 in the morning and arrives in Chennai at 9:06 in the morning as well. It has daily schedules too except during Sundays.
Another good option is the Tirumalpur Chennai Beach Train No. 40706 which has a running time of 1 hour and 51 minutes. It departs from Kanchipuram at 8:10 and arrives in Chennai at 10:01 in the morning too. It also has daily schedules except during Sundays. Its average delay is just six minutes to still very acceptable.
The remaining trains are also good options but their running times are over 2 hours. Keep in mind that all of these trains are unreserved so you cannot book them in advance. You need to reach the railway station and from there, buy your ticket for the journey.
These are the direct trains plying between Kanchipuram and Chennai. Chennai Egmore Railway Station is just two kilometres away from the city centre of Chennai so you can easily ride an auto rickshaw or taxi to reach the latter. Train fares would be around Rs. 80 to Rs. 170 per passenger. Since not all of the trains have daily schedules, check accordingly so you can make sure of your journey. I hope this helps you.