Status of Your Lockdown

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chit Chat' started by Kate Collins, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. Kate Collins

    Kate Collins Member

    Hi guys,

    How is your lockdown situation? Are you on your second lockdown? How are you handling day to day life with the new norm?

  2. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    I am at Shimla and everything is open here except movie theatres and schools. Tourists have started coming and covid 19 cases are rising due to that but the government has allowed tourists now because the whole economy of this state more or less depends on tourism and this is high season.

  3. Deven

    Deven Member

    Well, I'm in Delhi, and it has been a while since everything has been open. Apart from cinemas and schools, everything else is open.
    People here in Delhi are going out like normal, eating are places, and hardly anyone seems cautious of covid-19.

    I personally feel like the lockdown has been opened too soon, as the number of cases has not increased and instead spread, as state borders have also been opened.
  4. Kate Collins

    Kate Collins Member

    Any signs that you may observe as to its second wave?

    Yeah I agree, the opening is too soon. This may cause greater risk to everyone.