Which is better Nepal or Bhutan?


New Member
I am going to India for the Golden Triangle Tour after which I would like to visit another country. My choices are between Nepal and Bhutan, both of which are amazing destinations.

As I can only manage to visit one destination out of the two I need to know which is better Nepal or Bhutan?

I am planning to stay at my second destination for around 7 days, so which country do you think it would be best to see in the 7 days I have?
You can better spend those 7 days in Bhutan rather than Nepal, Nepal is a laid back country with little known activity that would hardly need seven days. There are some great temples and picturesque views skirted by mountains. A trip by a small plane to view the Himalayas at close quarters could be the highlight of this tour.
Bhutan known as , Land Of Thunder Dragon, on the other hand has much to offer. There will be enough and more to see in those 7 days that you have at your disposal.

Just a suggestion though. How about covering both the countries 2 days at Nepal and 5 and Bhutan? There are several travel agents who will work out a package for you.
Both places are different from each other, Nepal being a more of a tourist place and Bhutan being less of a tourist place which means less crowded. From what I can remember if in Bhutan you are required to have a guide with you, so if you're ok with that then it's ok.

Cost wise Nepal is cheaper than Bhutan.

If you have the option though I think going for Bhutan would be best, it has some better scenic views and is a different place to visit, whereas Nepal is a common place people visit.
I think you should go to Bhutan. because its very pace full nature. but its very Conservative country many places are photography restricted area but natural beauty is awesome. Nepal is absolutely free country for tourist. but Bhutan is my choose. you should think about bhutan.