Is Kashmir a safe place to visit?

Discussion in 'North India' started by Anish, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Anish

    Anish New Member

    I am going to Vasihno Devi in June and thinking of making a trip from there on to Kashmir. It is a destination which I have been wanting to visit for many years but not been able to go due to some sort of problems going on in the area.
    I need to know the current situation in Kashmir and know how safe it is to stay there.

  2. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Kashmir has been troubled for a long time now but tourists do go there and have a good time. Going to Katra is never a problem due to strong security arrangements.

    Instead of Kashmir I would personally prefer to go to Leh instead. Leh has no security problems and the beauty is second to none when it comes to natural scenery and it is all untouched by man. You could go for long motorcycle rides and see all the near by areas. There is a daily flight to Leh from Delhi.

  3. BadBoy

    BadBoy Active Member

    there is a danger of flood in kashmir at the moment.. i would suggest avoid visiting kashmir for an year or so..

    you could visit Patni top and shiv kori from vashno devi...
  4. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    I completely forgot about the flood situation that is going on currently. It is amazing how big our country is. Patni top is a good pick.
  5. Prits

    Prits Member

    I saw the flood situation in Kashmir on TV yesterday, and it is very bad, I would suggest you keep your Kashmir trip on hold for the time being. Most probably the situation would be resolved by June.
  6. Prits

    Prits Member

    You been to Patni top?
    Anything special about it or just normal like other hill stations?
  7. BadBoy

    BadBoy Active Member

    It was snow all around when i visited it.. Sking was done during that period... maggi was available at the restaurants at that time which were usually overpriced like any other hilly area.. i personnaly found it kinda ok... you could enjoy trekking there as well..
    the journey to patni top is a awsome! nice hilly terrain but sometimes the roads get jammed.. peragliding is available,but as far as i know its available only during some fixed months and the same goes for trekking but not sure.
  8. Prits

    Prits Member

    Thanks Badboy, just one more question which month did you go in when you saw snow? I may have a few more questions for you later on which I will post in another thread dedicated to this destination, so be ready ;)
  9. BadBoy

    BadBoy Active Member

    I dont remember exactly it was either late january or february.. Not sure though.
  10. VishalGaba

    VishalGaba New Member

    Babboy what are the road conditions like from Vaishno Devi to Patnitop?
  11. BadBoy

    BadBoy Active Member

    roads are fine..but sometimes traffic causes a lil problem..
  12. Chahal

    Chahal ਜੱਟ ਕੀ ਤੇ ਘੱਟ ਕੀ Staff Member

    Right now the atmosphere is politically charged although there has been no incidents with tourists involved in it or we could say media has not reported any. Had it been unsafe the government would issue a travel advisory but for that to happen the situation needs to be very critical. I personally find Leh and its surrounding areas more appealing and beautiful besides being much more safer. The only problem with Leh is getting there.