Nearest Metro Station To Garden Of Five Senses

Discussion in 'Transportation' started by Ritika Arora, Feb 4, 2018.

  1. Ritika Arora

    Ritika Arora New Member

    My family and I would like to spend some quality time together and after looking at many places that we can visit we have decided we should all go to the Garden Of Five Senses. This place would allow us to spend time together without there being much distraction or too much noise, and yet we would be in a place full of beautiful surroundings.

    We would like to find out which is the nearest metro station to the Garden Of Five Senses?

  2. Karan

    Karan Member

    Spending time with the family at the Garden of Five Senses is a great choice.
    The nearest metro station to the Garden of Five Senses is Saket metro station, this is at a distance of around 1km. You can either take a walk to the Garden of Five Senses or take an auto from outside of the station. I have provided two images one showing how to get to the Garden of Five Senses by car (auto) and also how to get there by walking.

    Saket Metro Station to the Garden of Five Senses by car (auto) is at a distance of 1km and would take you around 5 minutes to reach.

    saket metro station to garden of five senses by car.jpg

    Saket Metro Station to the Garden of Five Senses is at a distance of 1.2km and would take you 15minutes to reach.

    saket metro station to garden of five senses by walking.jpg

    There are many attractions to see at the Garden of Five Senses, which include:

    • A spiral walkway which is called Khas Bagh
    • Fountains which light up during the evening
    • Water Cascades
    • Stainless steel sculptures
    • Stone crafted elephants
    • Flower shrubs
    • Neel Bagh

    There is also a food court there which has some seating arrangements too.

    The Garden of Five Senses park is open from - 9 am to 7 pm from the months April to September.
    - 9 am to 6 pm from the months October to March

    Entry charges are Rs20 for adults and Rs10 for senior citizens and kids up to 12 years of age.