I am going to be traveling from Jhansi to Khajuraho and need to know what travel options I have. I dont have a specific time of travel so all suggestions are welcome. I would also like to know that which travel option would be best comfort wise and cost wise, in particularly the costs for hiring a taxi.
Road distance as shown on Google is 175km. Even if the roads are full of pot holes it should still not take any more than 4 hours to get to Khajuraho. Roads in that region are not good from my own experience. Getting a taxi would be the best option for your requirement and prices vary from Rs7 to 14-15 per km. You could also hire for a few days depending upon your plans but there would normally be a minimum daily charge for the taxi. I hope this helps. Dont forget to post your pictures once you come back.
It would be better to get a train from Jhansi to Khajuraho, which would be the easiest way to reach the destination and the travel time would roughly be the same around 5 hours.