Holy Rats Karni Mata Rat Temple


New Member
I just read a very interesting stone from National Geographic talking about a temple in northwestern India. The city of Deshnoke has a temple they dedicate to rats. The people of this city consider themselves blessed because of the hordes of rats inside this temple. Here rats are scared and people feed them daily.

This was a very interesting article. I am glad I read this. I don't think I'll be visiting Deshnoke on my trip to India. I am not a rat lover or fan of rats. When I find a rat around my home, I make it my mission to get rid of it.

Do you think you'd ever go to see the temple?
I've heard of this place where the rats are revered and sacred. I've seen a picture of them drinking from a bowl of milk. Don't think I'd visit that one as I can't stand rats or mice.
Yuck! I guess they are used to seeing these rats all over but I just don't think this would appeal to me on my vacation. I saw a rat once and felt the hair on my neck stand on end, it was huge. It had somehow made it's way into our house and my husband couldn't get rid of it fast enough for me.
I have seen this temple in Nat Geo documentary. When I saw people eating rat leftovers,I felt like puking. Anthropomorphism is a character of Hinduism and you can see people worshiping animals in India.
I have been to the famous Karni Mata temple in Deshnok.It was a bit scary at first to enter the temple with hundreds of rats running all around. You can even find the rats near the prasadam and relishing the ladoos offered to the deity. Once you get over the initial fear of rats and get accustomed to the rats all around you, you will actually enjoy this temple. It's really a wonder that inspite of hundreds of rats here, this place was safe even when plague broke out in Surat.
I have also heard about this. I don't think I would be comfortable visiting a place like this either. I just think it's dangerous and we never know what could happen.
Rats are literally one of my biggest, if not my biggest fear - so I can't say that I would be brave enough to go and visit here! I'm almost too scared to even look it up online because I'll freak out!

I'm sure it would be quirky and interesting though - I do like finding unique things to do on vacations but that might be a little too much for me!
As much as I really love animals, I really feel extremely uncomfortable when it comes to rats. I find them very dirty and dangerous as well.
I really had no idea such a thing existed. I knew about sacred cows in India, but never knew about the rat temple. I am not really sure if I would want to visit a place like this.